| Mewes, O.; Mewes, D. (†); Schulz, S. |
| Impact resistance of materials used for guards on milling machines and machining centres |
| Kennzahl 330 620, 2. Lfg. 2022, 3 S. In: IFA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Hrsg.: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV). 2. Auflage. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - Loseblatt-Ausgabe. ISBN: 978-3-503-13083-2 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Mewes, D.; Adler, C. |
| Safety of stationary grinding machines - impact resistance of work zone enclosures |
| International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (2017) Nr. 1, S. 1-6 (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Adler, C.; Mewes, D.; Herbst, P. |
| Dimensionierung von trennenden Schutzeinrichtungen an Schleifmaschinen |
| 4th European Conference on Grinding. 27-28 November 2013, Bremen - lecture. Proceedings, 13 pages, 6 lit. refs., 2 tables, 11 figs. Published by: Brinksmeier, E. IWT - Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Bremen 2013. ISBN: 978-3-00-043766-3 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D. |
| Guards on stationary grinding machines |
| No. 0336, Edition 7/2012, 2 pages, 2 lit. refs., 1 fig. In: Focus on IFA's work. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:EN) |
| Full text |
| Mewes, D. |
| Guards on stationary grinding machines |
| No. 0336, Edition 7/2012, 2 pages, 2 lit. refs., 1 fig. In: Aus der Arbeit des IFA. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:D) |
| Full text |
| Mewes, D.; Herbst, P. |
| Work zone enclosures on stationary grinding machines without abrasive product guards |
| Technische Sicherheit 2 (2012) No. 4, pp. 32-36, 9 lit. refs., 3 tables, 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Mewes, D.; Mewes, O.; Herbst, P. |
| Impact Resistance of Guards on Grinding Machines |
| International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 17 (2011) No. 4, pp. 411-421, 14 lit. refs., 1 table, 13 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Mewes, D. |
| Ageing of polycarbonate windows employed on machine tools |
| Kennzahl 330 630, 1st suppl. V/2011, 3 pages, 8 lit. refs., 3 figs. In: IFA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Published by: Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA). 2nd edition. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 978-3-503-13083-2 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Mewes, D. |
| Ageing of polycarbonate under the influence of coolant lubricants |
| Fachgespräch Arbeitssicherheit "Umsetzung normativer Hinweise zur Sicherheit von Werkzeugmaschinen unter dem Aspekt der Alterung". Technische Universität Berlin. 8 May 2002, Berlin - lecture. Proceedings, 8 pages, 11 lit. refs., 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D. |
| Viewing panels for machine tools
Weak points? |
| Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2002) No. 4, p. sp 16, 2 lit. refs., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P. |
| Improved retentive guards on machine tools |
| Industriebedarf (2001) No. 11/12, pp. 20-23, 3 tables, 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Design and dimensions of windows on machine tools |
| Die BG (2001) No. 3, pp. 128-133, 8 lit. refs., 2 tables, 10 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P. |
| Impact Resistance of Materials for Guards on Cutting Machine Tools - Requirements in Future European Safety Standards |
| International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 6 (2000) No. 4, pp. 507-520, 8 lit. refs., 3 tables, 11 figs. (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P. |
| Inspection glasses on machine tools |
| Technische Überwachung 41 (2000) No. 10, pp. 28-31, 4 lit. refs., 1 table, 7 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P. |
| Protect Machine Operators |
| manufacturing engineering 124 (2000) No. 3, pp. 118-130, 1 lit. ref., 3 tables, 3 figs. (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Mobile guards on cutting machine tools |
| Handbuch Betriebliche Arbeitssicherheit, 30th suppl. 2/2000, chapter III-4.2.8, 15 pages, 8 lit. refs., 4 tables, 13 figs. Published by: Jäger, W. Ecomed, Landsberg 1990 - loose-leaf edition (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Dimensioning of guards on machine tools |
| wt Werkstattstechnik 89 (1999) No. 10, pp. 469-472, 10 references, 5 tables, 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Design of guards on cutting machine tools |
| Maschinenmarkt 104 (1998) No. 24, pp. 42-46, 8 references, 3 tables, 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Strenght of materials in case of mechanical impact |
| Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 29 (1998) No. 5, pp. 258-262, 10 references, 2 tables, 9 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Design of guards for machine tools |
| Die BG (1998) No. 10, pp. 610-615, 10 references, 3 tables, 7 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Dimensioning of protective devices on machine tools |
| Werkstatt und Betrieb 130 (1997) No. 9, pp. 712-717, 4 fig., 3 tables, 8 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Mobile guards on cutting machine tools |
| In: Handbuch Betriebliche Arbeitssicherheit, Suppl.1997, chapter III 4.2.8,
12 pp., 8 fig., 3 tables, 8 lit.- ref. Published by: ecomed verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg 1990
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Mewes, D. |
| Mobile guards on machine tools |
| BIA-Info 6/97. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1997) No. 6, p. S24, 1fig., 1 table (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Testing and Assessing the Impact Strength of Guard Materials |
| Materialprüfung 38 (1996) No. 9, pp. 368-372, 11 fig., 2 tab., 13 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Mewes, D.; Trapp, R.-P.; Warlich, H.-J. |
| Splash guards for machine tools |
| Industriebedarf (1996) No. 4, pp. 175-177, 4 fig., 2 tab., 8 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |