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Schaefer, M.; Bork, T.
 Tangible and transparent use of reliability data for functional safety - The sense and nonsense of quantification
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems - SIAS 2007, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 370-375, 4 Lit., 3 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)
Huelke, M.; Hauke, M.; Pilger, J.; Schaefer, M.
 Easily applying ISO 13849-1 with the software tool SISTEMA
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 328-333, 5 Lit., 3 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)
Reinert, D.; Jung, N.; Breuer, T.; Huelke, M.
 Quality assessment of programmable logic controller (PLC) programs
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems - SIAS 2007, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 167-172, 14 Lit., 2 Tab., 1 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)
Supavatanakul, P.; Stanner, M.; Greil, G.; Schaefer, M.
 A methodology for the safety quantification of mechatronic systems
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems - SIAS 2007, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 155-160, 13 Lit., 2 Tab., 2 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)
Bömer, T.; Grigulewitsch, W.
 RFID based protective devices (RBPD) used as complementary safety devices
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems - SIAS 2007, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 129-132, 3 Lit., 5 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)
Herpers, R.; Jung, N.; Reinert, D.; Schwaneberg, O.; Hahne, S.; Barth, A.; Zilken, O.; Vieth, M.
 Hand and finger protection for circular saws
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems - SIAS 2007, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 119-124, 11 Lit., 4 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)
Schaefer, M.; Hauke, M.; Bömer, T.; Apfeld, R.; Huelke, M.; Dorra, M.; Krauß, M.; Zilligen, H.; Kühlem, W.; Lohmaier, O.; Borowski, T.; Büllesbach, K.-H.; Foermer-Schaefer, H.-G.; Grigulewitsch, W.; Heimann, K.D.; Köhler, B.; Meffert, K.; Pilger, J.; Reuß, G.; Schuster, U.
 EN ISO 13849-1:2006, Design of safety-related control systems - practical examples
 5. International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems - SIAS 2007, 12.-13. November 2007, Tokio/Japan - Vortrag. Berichtsband, S. 85-89, 2 Lit., 3 Abb. Hrsg.: Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA), Tokio/Japan (Sprache:EN)