| Hellmann, A.; Schmidt, K.; Ripperger, S.; Berges, M. |
| Release of ultrafine dusts during the machining of nanocomposites |
| Translated from: Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 72 (2012) No. 11/12, pp. 473-476, 8 lit. refs., 6 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Berges, M.; Klein, U.; Niemann, J.; Pähler, R.; Martin, D.S.; Dzierzawa, T. |
| Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen von Kfz in Prüfstellen amtlich anerkannter Überwachungsinstitutionen
- Empfehlungen Gefährdungsermittlung der Unfallversicherungsträger (EGU) nach der Gefahrstoffverordnung |
| DGUV Information 213-727 (bisher: BGI/GUV-I 790-027). 34 pages, 7 lit. refs., 6 tables, 6 figs. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin 2014 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Vogel, U.; Savolainen, K.; Wu, Q.; van Tongeren, M.; Brouwer, D.; Berges, M. |
| Handbook of Nanosafety - Measurement, Exposure and Toxicology |
| 376 pages, numerous lit. refs., tables and figs. Academic Press - Elsevier 2014. ISBN: 978-0-12-416604-2 (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Berges, M. | | Exposure during Production and Handling of Manufactured Nanomaterials |
| In: Nanomaterials. Report. pp. 25-31, 23 lit. refs., 2 tables. Published by: DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2013. ISBN: 978-3-527-67391-9 (Language:EN) |
| Full text |
| Lotz, A.; Pelzer, J.; Lehnert, M.; Möhlmann, C.; Heinze, E.; Van Gelder, R.; Goebel, A.; Berges, M.; Blome, H.; Weiß, T.; Pesch, B.; Hartwig, A.; Brüning, T. | | Feine und ultrafeine Partikel im Schweißrauch |
| 53rd Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin (DGAUM). 13-16 March 2013, Bregenz - lecture. pp. 374-376, 2 lit. refs., 1 table, 1 fig. Published by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin, Aachen 2013. ISBN: 978-3-9811784-8-7 (Language:D) |
| Full text |
| Pelzer, J.; Möhlmann, C.; Pesch, B.; Weiß, T.; Brüning, T.; Berges, M. | | Auswahl von Technik und Strategie bei der Messung ultrafeiner Partikel |
| 53rd Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin (DGAUM). 13-16 March 2013, Bregenz - lecture. pp. 371-373, 1 fig. Published by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin, Aachen 2013. ISBN: 978-3-9811784-8-7 (Language:D) |
| Full text |
| Brouwer, D; van Duuren-Stuurman, B.; Berges, M.; Bard, D.; Jankowska, E.; Möhlmann, C.; Pelzer, J.; Mark, D. | | Workplace air measurements and likelihood of exposure to manufactured nano-objects, agglomerates, and aggregates |
| Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15 (2013) No. 11, 14 pages, 30 lit. refs., 5 tables, 2 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pelzer, J.; Fransman, W.; Stöppelmann, W.; Schumacher, C.; Brouwer, D.; Koponen, I.; Bard, D.; Witschger, O.; Jankowska, E.; Kanerva, T.; Berges, M. |
| Development of a Nano Exposure and Contextual Information Database (NECID) |
| Inhaled Particles XI (IPXI), 23-25 September 2013, Nottingham/United Kingdom - posters (Language:EN) |
| Full text |
| Hunt, G.; Lynch, I.; Cassee, F.; Handy, R.D.; Fernandes, T.F.; Berges, M.; Kuhlbusch, T.A.J.; Dusinska, M.; Riediker, M. | | Towards a Consensus View on Understanding Nanomaterials Hazards and Managing Exposure: Knowledge Gaps and Recommendations |
| Materials 6 (2013) No. 3, pp. 1090-1117, 65 lit. refs., 1 table (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Berges, M. | | Regulierung und Bewertung - Nanomaterialien im Arbeitsschutz |
| DGUV Forum 5 (2013) No. 5, p. 13, 3 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Schröder, B.; Au, M.; Berges, M.; Böckler, M.; Brock, T.H.; Bünger, J.; Ingenhaag, G.; Kellner, R.; Kluger, N.; Ogan, A.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Rabente, T.; Scheit, T.; Schmidt, E.; Vater, U.; Wahl, H.; Wolf, T. |
| Leitlinien zur Gefahrstoffverordnung |
| 3rd edition 2012. 65 pages. LASI-Veröffentlichung - LV 45. Published by: Länderausschuss für Arbeitsschutz und Sicherheitstechnik (LASI), Schwerin 2012. ISBN: 978-3-936415-71-1 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Henry, J.; Casjens, S.; Lehnert, M.; Weiß, T.; Kendzia, B.; Lotz, A.; Van Gelder, R.; Berges, M.; Hahn, J.U.; Pesch, B.; Brüning, T. | | Untersuchungen zum Eisenhaushalt bei Schweißern - Ergebnisse der WELDOX-Studie |
| 52nd Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin (DGAUM). 14-17 March 2012, Göttingen - lecture. pp. 199-201, 1 lit. ref. Published by: Hallier, E. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin, Aachen 2012. ISBN: 978-3-9811784-6-3 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Berges, M.; Ripperger, S.; Blome, H. | | Preliminary recommendations for the assessment of workplaces and control measures in case of exposure to ultrafine particles |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 72 (2012) No. 11/12, pp. 458-462, 28 lit. refs., 1 table (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Hellmann, A.; Schmidt, K.; Ripperger, S.; Berges, M. | | Release of ultrafine dusts during the machining of nanocomposites |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 72 (2012) No. 11/12, pp. 473-476, 8 lit. refs., 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Hellmann, A.; Ripperger, S.; Müller, K.W.; Berges, M.; Möhlmann, C. | | Abscheideverhalten von ultrafeinen Stäuben und Nanopartikeln an Atemschutzmasken |
| 18th Erfurter Tage der Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe, Mannheim und der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena. 2-3 December 2011, Erfurt - lecture. pp. 137-141, 6 figs. In: Prävention von arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsgefahren und Erkrankungen. Published by: Kirchner, C.-J.; Stadeler, M.; Scholle, H.-C. Verlag Bussert & Stadeler, Jena 2012. ISBN: 978-3-942115-18-6 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Lehnert, M.; Pesch, B.; Lotz, A.; Pelzer, J.; Kendzia, B.; Gawrych, K.; Heinze, E.; Van Gelder, R.; Punkenburg, E.; Weiß, T.; Mattenklott, M.; Hahn, J.U.; Möhlmann, C.; Berges, M.; Hartwig, A.; Brüning, T. | | Exposure to Inhalable, Respirable, and Ultrafine Particles in Welding Fume |
| Annals of Occupational Hygiene 56 (2012) No. 5, pp. 557-567, 39 lit. refs., 3 tables, 9 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Buchwald, K.; Berges, M. |
| Detector tubes for pumped sampling - Validierungskonzept und Positivliste - |
| Kennzahl 9023, 49th suppl. IV/2012 and 1st suppl. IV/2013, 9 pages, 2 lit. refs., 3 tables, 1 fig. In: Messung von Gefahrstoffen - IFA-Arbeitsmappe. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV). Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1989 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 978-3-503-13084-9 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pesch, B.; Weiß, T.; Kendzia, B.; Henry, J.; Lehnert, M.; Lotz, A.; Heinze, E.; Käfferlein, H.U.; Van Gelder, R.; Berges, M.; Hahn, J.U.; Mattenklott, M.; Punkenburg, E.; Hartwig, A.; Brüning, T. | | Levels and predictors of airborne and internal exposure to manganese and iron among welders |
| Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 22 (2012) No. 3, pp. 291-298, 35 lit. refs., 4 tables, 6 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Brouwer, D.; Berges, M.; Virji, M.A.; Fransman, W.; Bello, D.; Hodson, L.; Gabriel, S.; Tielemans, E. | | Harmonization of Measurement Strategies for Exposure to Manufactured Nano-Objects; Report of a Workshop |
| Annals of Occupational Hygiene 56 (2012) No. 1, pp. 1-9, 30 lit. refs., 4 tables (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Bouwmeester, H.; Lynch, I.; Marvin, H.J.P.; Dawson, K.A.; Berges, M.; Braguer, D.; Byrne, H.J.; Casey, A.; Chambers, G.; Clift, M.J.D.; Elia, G.; Fernandes, T.F.; Fjellsbo, L.B.; Hatto, P.; Juillerat, L.; Klein, C.; Kreyling, W.G.; Nickel, C.; Riediker, M.; Stone, V. | | Minimal analytical characterization of engineered nanomaterials needed for hazard assessment in biological matrices |
| Nanotoxicology 5 (2011) No. 1, pp. 1-11, 47 lit. refs., 3 tables (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Berges, M.; Pelzer, J. |
| Ultrafine aerosols and nanoparticles at the workplace |
| No. 0302, Edition 10/2011, 2 pages, 1 lit. ref., 1 fig. In: Focus on IFA's work. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:EN) |
| Full text |
| Berges, M.; Pelzer, J. |
| Ultrafine aerosols and nanoparticles at the workplace |
| No. 0302, Edition 10/2011, 2 pages, 1 lit. ref., 1 fig. In: Aus der Arbeit des IFA. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:D) |
| Full text |
| Kendzia, B.; Lotz, A.; Lehnert, M.; Weiß, T.; Gawrych, K.; Heinze, E.; Chen, Y.; Van Gelder, R.; Berges, M.; Brüning, T.; Pesch, B. |
| Welding fume exposure and determinants in German male welders |
| 22nd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), 7-9 September 2011, Oxford/United Kingdom - posters (Language:EN) |
| Full text |
| Pesch, B.; Weiß, T.; Kendzia, B.; Henry, J.; Lehnert, M.; Lotz, A.; Van Gelder, R.; Berges, M.; Hahn, J.U.; Käfferlein, H.U.; Brüning, T. |
| Airborne and Systemic Exposure to Manganese and Iron among Welders |
| 22nd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), 7-9 September 2011, Oxford/United Kingdom - posters (Language:EN) |
| Full text |
| Pelzer, J.; Lehnert, M.; Lotz, A.; Möhlmann, C.; Van Gelder, R.; Goebel, A.; Berges, M.; Weiß, T.; Pesch, B.; Brüning, T. | | Measurements of the number concentration of fine and ultrafine particles in welding fumes - comparison with the gravimetrically obtained mass concentrations in connection with the WELDOX project |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 71 (2011) No. 9, pp. 389-392, 16 lit. refs., 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| van Duuren-Stuurman, B.; Pelzer, J.; Möhlmann, C.; Berges, M.; Bard, D.; Wake, D.; Mark, D.; Jankowska, E.; Brouwer, D. |
| A Structured Observational Method to Assess Dermal Exposure to Manufactured Nanoparticles (MNPs): DREAM as an Initial Assessment Tool |
| International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 16 (2010) No. 4, pp. 399-405, 11 lit. refs., 4 tables, 1 fig. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Som, C.; Berges, M.; Chaudhry, Q.; Dusinska, M.; Fernandes, T.F.; Olsen, S.I.; Nowack, B. |
| The importance of life cycle concepts for the development of safe nanoproducts |
| Toxicology 269 (2010) No. 2-3, pp. 160-169, 94 lit. refs., 1 table, 2 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Savolainen, K.; Pylkkänen, L.; Norppa, H.; Falck, G.; Lindberg, H.; Tuomi, T.; Vippola, M.; Alenius, H.; Hämeri, K.; Koivisto, J.; Brouwer, D; Mark, D.; Bard, D.; Berges, M.; Jankowska, E.; Posniak, M.; Farmer, P.; Singh, R.; Krombach, F.; Bihari, P.; Kasper, G.; Seipenbusch, M. |
| Nanotechnologies, engineered nanomaterials and occupational health and safety - A review |
| Safety Science 48 (2010) No. 8, pp. 957-963, 55 lit. refs., 2 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Brouwer, D; van Duuren-Stuurman, B.; Berges, M.; Jankowska, E.; Bard, D.; Mark, D. |
| From workplace air measurement results toward estimates of exposure? Development of a strategy to assess exposure to manufactured nano-objects |
| Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11 (2009) No. 8, pp. 1867-1881, 34 lit. refs,, 2 tables, 4 figs. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Berges, M.; Möhlmann, C. | | Ermittlung und Bewertung der Exposition gegenüber Nanopartikeln |
| DGUV Forum 1 (2009) No. 12, pp. 24-25, 4 lit. refs., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Buchwald, K.; Berges, M. |
| Prüfröhrchen |
| Kennzahl 9020, 43rd suppl. XI/2009, 4 pages, 2 lit. refs., 1 table. In: Messung von Gefahrstoffen - BGIA-Arbeitsmappe. Published by: BGIA - Institut für Arbeitsschutz. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1989 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 978 3 503 02085 0 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Zoubek, G.; Berges, M.; Berns, U.; Goebel, A. | | Belastung durch Motorabgase beim Einsatz handgeführter Verdichtungsgeräte in Gräben |
| BauPortal 121 (2009) No. 9, pp. 518-525, 7 lit. refs., 3 tables, 17 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Berges, M. | | Measuring Exposure to Ultrafine and Nanoparticles at Workplaces |
| XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work. Global Forum for Prevention. 29 June - 2 July 2008, Seoul/Korea - lecture. CD-ROM, 4 pages, 6 lit. refs., 1 table, 3 figs. Published by: Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency - KOSHA, Incheon/Korea 2008 (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Brucksch, E.; Hebisch, R.; Berges, M.; Seumel, M.; Spiekers, R.; Wüstefeld, B. | | Checkliste Gefahrstoffe
- Unterstützung bei der Gefährdungsbeurteilung zum Spritzlackieren von Hand bei der Holzbe- und -verarbeitung |
| Folder, 2 figs. Published by: Regierungspräsidium Kassel; Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Dortmund; Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz - BGIA, Sankt Augustin; Holz-Berufsgenossenschaft, Munich; Bundesverband Holz und Kunststoff, Berlin 2006 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Berges, M.; Timmer, J.; Kleine, H.; Wilms, V. | | Minimization of diesel soot in the workplace atmosphere by attachable mobile diesel particulate filters |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 66 (2006) No. 4, pp. 148-153, 9 lit. ref., 4 tables, 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Berges, M. | | Symposium Nanotechnology and Occupational Health
3-6 October 2005, Minneapolis/USA |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 65 (2005) No. 11/12, pp. 462, 1 lit. ref. (Language:D) |
| Berges, M.; Möhlmann, C. | | Symposium Nanomaterials - a risk to health at work?
12-14 October 2004, Buxton (UK) |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 65 (2005) No. 6, pp. 269-270, 1 lit. ref., 1 table (Language:D) |
| Meffert, K.; Breuer, D.; Kluger, N.; Berges, M.; Kleine, H.; Liese, A.; Ellegast, R.P.; Bernhard, J.; Kiene, H.C.; Schaefer, M.; Becker, K.D.; Umbreit, M.; Maue, J.H.; Fellberg, H.; von der Heyden, T.; Pfeiffer, W.; Flowerday, U. | | The BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - BGIA |
| die BG (2005) No. 5, pp. 242-248, 12 lit. refs., 11 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Goebel, A.; Berns, U.; Berges, M. | | Application of a calculation method for determining the benzene concentration and comparison to measurement methods |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 65 (2005) No. 4, pp. 156-162, 4 lit. refs., 2 tables, 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Blome, H.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Berges, M. | | From technical occupational exposure limits to occupational exposure limit values according to the new Ordinance on hazardous substances |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 65 (2005) No. 1/2, pp. 23-30, 28 lit. refs., 2 tables, 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Liese, A.; Berges, M. | | Prevention pays off.
Effective prevention measures in the hairdressing sector |
| die BG (2004) No. 2, p. 77, 1 table, 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Berges, M. | | Branchenregelungen: Verfahrens- und stoffspezifische Kriterien (VSK) und BG/BIA-Empfehlungen |
| 19. Münchner Gefahrstoff-Tage, 26-28 November 2003, Munich - lecture. Proceedings, 8 pages, 5 lit. refs., 4 tables. verlag moderne industrie, mic - mi information center, Landsberg 2003 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Berges, M.; Kleine, H. | | Hazardous substances in the air at hardressers' workplaces |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 62 (2002) No. 10, pp. 405-409, 6 lit. refs., 5 tables, 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Buchwald, K.; Berges, M. | | Emulsion explosives:
Lower impact levels |
| Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2002) No. 8, p. sp 32, 1 lit. ref, 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Arndt, V.; Berges, M. | | Occupational health and safety in the handling of cadmium
Conference held on 9 November 2000 in Wiesbaden (Germany) |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 61 (2001) No. 5, pp. 222-223, 1 lit. ref. (Language:D) |
| Berges, M. |
| Hazardous substances -
BG/BIA recommendations 2000
| BIA-Info 2/2001. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2001) No. 2, p. sp 08, 3 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Berges, M. |
| BG/BIA Recommendations 1999
- Guide |
| BIA-Info 8/2000. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2000) No. 8, p. sp 32, 3 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Liese, A.; Berges, M. | | 15th Munich hazardous substances conference
24 to 26 November 1999 |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 60 (2000) No. 3, pp. 123-125, 3 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Wassenhoven, J.; Berges, M. |
| Handling of magnesium |
| Sicherheitstechnisches Informations- und Arbeitsblatt 130 440, 37th suppl. V/00, 2 pages, 2 lit. refs. In: BIA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Bielefeld 1985 - loose-leaf edition (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W.; Berges, M.; Hennig, M.; Lichtenstein, N.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stockmann, R. |
| Measuring, assessing and protecting while handling complex mixtures containing hydrocarbons |
| BIA-Report 5/99. 149 pp., 61 lit. ref., 27 tables, 30 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1999 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Berges, M. | | New BG/BIA recommendations -
Information of the BIA on workplace monitoring in companies (BAB-Info) |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 59 (1999) No. 5, p. 179, 7 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |