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 Stahmer, K.W.; Causemann, S.; Hohmann, S.
 Combustion and explosion characteristics of dusts
 Kennzahl 140 260, 1. Lfg. V/2020, 13 S. In: IFA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Hrsg.: Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA). 2. Auflage. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - Loseblatt-Ausgabe. ISBN: 978-3-503-13083-2 (Language:D)
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 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Stahmer, K.W.
 Explosion Parameters of Aluminium Dust in Different Volumes: the Limits of the Cube Law
 Chemical Engineering Transactions 77 (2019), S. 673-678 (Language:EN)
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 Stahmer, K.W.
 Datenbank GESTIS-STAUB-Ex - Ermittlung von Kenngrößen explosionsfähiger Stäube durch Recherche
 Technische Sicherheit 9 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 16-20 (Language:D)
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 Stahmer, K.W.; Gerhold, M.
 Study of the explosion reactions of sucrose, activated charcoal, polyethylene and lignite part 2: Study of the gas phase following the explosion reaction
 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 48 (2017), S. 216-222 (Language:EN)
 Stahmer, K.W.; Gerhold, M.
 Study of the explosion reactions of sucrose, activated charcoal, polyethylene and lignite Part 1: Effect of variation in particle surface area upon explosion reaction
 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 46 (2017), S. 177-184 (Language:EN)
Stahmer, K.W.
 GESTIS-STAUB-Ex: 6 000 Datensätze zu Explosionskenngrößen von Stäuben
 Technische Sicherheit 5 (2015) No. 11/12, pp. 27-33, 12 lit. refs., 7 tables, 5 figs. (Language:D)
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 Gerhold, M.; Stahmer, K.W.
 Correlation of pmax and KSt to specific surface area and calorific value of a dust
 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015), pp. 266-270, 15 lit. refs., 1 table, 4 figs. (Language:EN)
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 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Stahmer, K.W.; Gerhold, M.
 Combustion and explosion characteristics of sugar dust
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 74 (2014) No. 7/8, pp. 279-285, 11 lit. refs., 1 table, 12 figs. (Language:D)
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 Stahmer, K.W.
 Combustion and explosion characteristics
 No. 0051, Edition 6/2013, 2 pages, 7 lit. refs., 1 fig. In: Focus on IFA's work. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:EN)
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 Stahmer, K.W.
 Combustion and explosion characteristics
 No. 0051, Edition 12/2013, 2 pages, 7 lit. refs., 1 fig. In: Aus der Arbeit des IFA. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:D)
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Stahmer, K.W.; Teske, H.-J.; Gerhold, M.
 Electrical resistance of dust in layers - measuring methods and factors
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 72 (2012) No. 10, pp. 437-445, 8 lit. refs., 3 tables, 12 figs. (Language:D)
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Stahmer, K.W.; Teske, H.-J.; Scheid, M.
 Flammable dusts in blasting systems
 Technische Überwachung 51 (2010) No. 10, pp. 12-18, 16 lit. refs., 2 tables, 6 figs. (Language:D)
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