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| Object Recognition for Safety Applications using Ultrasonic Holography |
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| Abstract |
| Reinert, D.; Ullmann, S.; Hauke, M.; Herpers, R.; Bunzemeier, A.; Graziola, F.; Kohler, R. | | Non-contact protective device for finger detection on circular saws |
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| Abstract |
| Reinert, D. | | New non-contact protective devices
State of the art, possibilities and limits of use
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| Abstract |
| Weyer, K.; Meffert, K.; Kreß, W. | | Passive infrared sensors as non-contact protective device at hoisting equipment in corridors furnished with shelves |
| BIA-Report 3/87. 70 pp., many fig., 9 lit.-ref. + appendix. Published by:
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(Language:D) |
| Abstract |