| Erlbeck, H.; Krauße, R. |
| Der Klimawandel durchdringt alle Bereiche (Interview) |
| Zeitschrift Kindergarten heute 08/2023, S. 8, Hrsg. Verlag Herder GmbH, Freiburg (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Thomas, S.; Erlbeck, H. |
| Herausforderungen des Klimawandels für Kindertageseinrichtungen |
| ASU 08/2023, 1 Tab., Hrsg. Alfons W. Gentner Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Erlbeck, H.; Huxholl, H. |
| Die Klimakrise ist auch eine psychische Krise - Implikationen für den Arbeitsschutz |
| DGUV Forum 01/2023, S. 39-41, Hrsg. Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) Berlin (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Erlbeck, H. |
| Barrierefreie Veranstaltungen ? Theorie und Praxis im Tagungszentrum des IAG
| Virtuelle Themenwoche: Inklusion in der DGUV? vom 05. bis 09.12.2022, online (Language:D) |
| Erlbeck, H. |
| Wie tagen wir eigentlich nachhaltig? |
| FASI Tagung am 17.11.2022 (Language:D) |
| Erlbeck, H.; Franke, A. |
| Psychologische Effekte des Klimawandels: Auswirkungen und Strategien |
| Nr. 3125, 12/2022, in: Aus der Arbeit des IAG, (2 S., 2 Abb.) Hrsg. Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin, ISSN:2190-0892, ISSN (Druckversion) 2190-0884 (Sprache:D) (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Klotz, M; Erlbeck, H. |
| Ist-Stand Analyse der Nachhaltigkeit |
| 22. Pasig Workshop, S. 407- 410, 2 Abb., Tagungsband ISBN 978-3-89334-654-7, Roland Asanger Verlag GmbH, Kröning (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Arnold, A.; Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Hauert, F. ; Jaeger, N.; Kopia, K.; van Laar, G.; Nied, G.; Ott, R.J.; Pera, F.; Radandt, S.; Siwek, R.; Strocka, B. |
| Practical assistance for the preparation of an explosion protection document. Compendium for industrial practice |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2050 (F). 45 pages, 11 lit. refs., 1 table, 17 figs. CD-ROM. Published by: Internationale Sektion für Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS), Mannheim 2007. ISBN: 92-843-1167-5 (Language:D,EN,F) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Arnold, A.; Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Hauert, F. ; Jaeger, N.; Kopia, K.; van Laar, G.; Nied, G.; Ott, R.J.; Pera, F.; Radandt, S.; Siwek, R.; Strocka, B. |
| Practical Assistance for the Preparation of an Explosion Protection Document. Compendium for industrial practice |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2050 (E). 45 pages, 11 lit. refs., 1 table, 17 figs. Published by: International Section Machine and System Safety of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), Mannheim 2006. ISBN: 92-843-1167-5 (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Arnold, A.; Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Hauert, F. ; Jaeger, N.; Kopia, K.; van Laar, G.; Nied, G.; Ott, R.J.; Pera, F.; Radandt, S.; Siwek, R.; Strocka, B. |
| Practical assistance for the preparation of an explosion protection document. Compendium for industrial practice |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2050 (G). 45 pages, 11 lit. refs., 1 table, 17 figs. Published by: Internationale Sektion für Maschinen- und Systemsicherheit der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS), Mannheim 2006. ISBN: 92-843-7167-8 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Siwek, R.; Beck, H. |
| Explosion protection in fluid bed dryers and filter units
- VDI-Guidelines 2263 |
| Tagung Sichere Handhabung brennbarer Stäube, 1-3 March 2005, Nuremberg - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2005) No. 1873, pp. 85-91, 10 lit. refs., 1 table, 2 figs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091873-X (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Fiumara, A.; Glor, M.; Hauert, F.; Kopia, K.; Kramar, Z.; Ott, R.J.; Parlevliet, P.C.; Pellmont, G.; Petit, J.-M.; Radandt, S.; Rogers, R.L.; Rossinelli, L.; Scheller, F. |
| Dust Explosion Incidents: Their Causes, Effects and Prevention. Compendium for industrial practice |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2051 (E). 50 pages, 11 lit. refs., 13 figs. Published by: Internationale Sektion für die Verhütung von Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten in der chemischen Industrie der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS), Heidelberg 2005. ISBN: 92-843-1169-1 (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Fiumara, A.; Glor, M.; Hauert, F.; Kopia, K.; Kramar, Z.; Ott, R.J.; Parlevliet, P.C.; Pellmont, G.; Petit, J.-M.; Radandt, S.; Rogers, R.L.; Rossinelli, L.; Scheller, F. | | Dust Explosion Incidents. Analysen von Staubexplosionen in Industrie und Gewerbe: Their Causes, Effects and Prevention. Compendium for industrial practice |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2051 (G). 50 pages, 11 lit. refs., 13 figs. Published by: Internationale Sektion für die Verhütung von Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten in der chemischen Industrie der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS), Heidelberg 2005. ISBN: 92-843-7169-4 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Dust explosions: incidents and safety concepts |
| s+s report (2005) No. 2, pp. 18-25, 27 lit. refs., 4 tables, 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Dust explosions: incidents and safety concepts |
| VdS-Seminar Schutz vor Staubexplosionen, 9 September 2004, Cologne - lecture. VdS 2953, 17 pages, 27 lit. refs., 4 tables, 2 figs. Published by: VdS Schadenverhütung, Cologne 2004 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Bartknecht, W.; Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Hauert, F.; Janssens, H.B.; Lunn, G.; Ott, R.J.; Pellmont, G.; Siwek, R.; van Laar, G.; van Wingerden, K.; Zockoll, C. |
| Dust Explosion.
Prevention and Protection for Machines and Equipment - Basic Principles |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2033(E), 52 pages, 26 lit. refs., 3 tables, 24 figs. Published by: International Section of the ISSA for Machine and System Safety, Mannheim 2004. ISBN: 92-843-7129-5 (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Fiumara, A.; Glor, M.; Hauert, F.; Kopia, K.; Kramar, Z.; Ott, R.J.; Parlevliet, P.C.; Pellmont, G.; Petit, J.-M.; Radandt, S.; Rogers, R.L.; Rossinelli, L.; Scheller, F. |
| DustExplosions
Protection against explosions due to flammable dusts
Compendium for industrial practice |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2044 (G). 2nd updated edition, 44 pages, 16 lit. refs., 20 figs. Published by: Internationale Sektion für die Verhütung von Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten in der chemischen Industrie der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS), Heidelberg 2003. ISBN: 92-843-7153-8 (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| The use of work equipment in areas posing an explosion risk:
classification of zones and equipment categories
| Tagung Sichere Handhabung brennbarer Stäube, 9 October 2002, Nuremberg - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2002) No. 1717, pp. 97-103, 5 lit. refs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091717-2 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Annas, H.-J.; Beck, H.; Knauff, T.; Leyendecker, B.; Rabenstein, K. | | Dust collection facilities: fire and explosion protection
Flammable dusts in filtrating precipitators - a guide - |
| Folder, 6 pages. Published by: VDMA - Luftreinhaltung, Frankfurt/M.; Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz - BIA im Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 2002 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Aids for hazard identification when handling combustible dusts |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 62 (2002) No. 9, pp. 359-363, 27 lit. refs., 4 tables, 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Beck, H. | | Safe handling of combustible dusts |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 62 (2002) No. 9, p. 345 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Fiumara, A.; Glor, M.; Kopia, K.; Kramar, Z.; Ott, R.J.; Parlevliet, P.C.; Pellmont, G.; Petit, J.-M.; Radandt, S.; Rogers, R.L.; Rossinelli, L.; Scheller, F. | | Dust explosions -
Protection against explosion caused by flammable dusts
Compendium for practical use |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2044 (G). 2nd updated edition, 44 pages, 20 lit. refs., 20 figs. Published by: Internationale Sektion für die Verhütung von Arbeitsunfällen und Berufskrankheiten in der chemischen Industrie der Internationalen Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS), Heidelberg 2002. ISBN: 92-843-7153-8 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Pra?ne eksplozije
(Documentation of dust explosions) |
| Mednarodni seminar o protieksplozijski za?cciti, 17-18 October 2001, Bohinjska Bistrica - lecture. Proceedings, 11 pages, 1 table, 1 fig. Published by: SIQ-Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje, Ljubljana 2001 (in Slovene) (Language:SLV) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| Fire and explosion characteristics of dusts-available on the Internet
- Applications and limits - |
| VDI-Kolloquium Sichere Handhabung brennbarer Stäube, 27-29 March 2001, Nuremberg - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2001) No. 1601, pp. 257-269, 9 lit. refs., 4 figs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091601-X (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. | | GESTIS-STAUB-EX - Fire and explosion characteristics of dusts on the Internet |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 61 (2001) No. 3, pp. 81-83, 9 lit. refs., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Beck, H. | | Safe handling of combustible dusts |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 61 (2001) No. 3, p. 65 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| The new legal situation
Industrial vacuum cleaners in areas presenting an explosion hazard |
| BIA-Info 10/2000. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2000) No. 10, p. sp 40, 3 lit. refs., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Documentation of dust explosions and results of a study of a dust explosion in a grain mill |
| European seminar: "Staubexplosionen". Lecture delivered on 13-15 April in Metz. Compiled reports, 33 pages, 13 tables, 10 figs. Published by: INERIS Service Communication, Verneuil-en-Halatte, 1999 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| Aids for the identification and assessment of hazardous situations by handling combustible and exposable dusts |
| Lecture delivered at the International Conference on Safety and Health Protection at Work, 30 September - 2 October 1998 Budapest, conference report, pp. 71-85, 24 lit. ref., 4 tables, 1 fig. + 4 annexes. Published by:: Bergbau Berufsgenossenschaft, Bochum 1999 (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| Fire and explosion parameters of dusts
Tables as an expert tool |
| BIA-Info 8/99. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1999) No. 8, p. sp 32, 1 lit. ref., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Insignificant cause - disastrous repercussions: dust explosions |
| BIA-Info 6/98. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1998) No. 6, p. S24, 3 references, 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Bartknecht, W.; Beck, H.; Dyrba, B.; Janssens, H.B.; Lunn, G.; Ott, R.J.; Pellmont, G.; Rainbauer, H.; Siwek, R.; van Laar, G.; van Wingerden, K.; Voorschuur, H.; Wiemann, W.; Zockoll, C. |
| Dust explosion protection on plant and machinery
- Basic principles
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2033(G), 52 pages, 17 references, 3 tables, 25 figs. Published by: Internationale Sektion der IVSS für Maschinensicherheit, Mannheim 1998 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H.; Glienke, N.; Möhlmann, C. |
| Combustion and explosion characteristics of dusts |
| BIA-Report 13/97. 471 pp., 25 lit.-ref., many tables, 8 fig.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1997 (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Beck, H.; Glienke, N.; Möhlmann, C. |
| Combustion and explosion characteristics of dusts |
| BIA-Report 12/97. 475 pp., 8 fig., many tables, 25 lit.-ref.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1997 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Jeske, A.; Beck, H. | | Documentation dust explosions
Analysis and incident description |
| BIA-Report 11/97. 99 pp., 3 fig., many tb. and lit.-ref.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1997 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Beck, H.; Fiumara, A.; Glor, M.; Isselhard, K.; Ott, R.J.; Parlevliet, P.C.; Pellmont, G.; Petit, J.-M.; Radandt, S.; Rainbauer, H.; Rossinelli, L.; Scheller, F. |
| Electrostatic charges, ignition risks and protective measures |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2017(It), 72 pp., 41 fig., 3 tab., 10 lit.-ref. Published by: Internationale Sektion der IVSS für die Verhütung von Berufskrankheiten in der chemischen Industrie, Heidelberg 1997 (Language:I) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. | | Explosion risk arising from grinding
Light weight and highly explosive!
| Moderne Metalltechnik (1997) No. 6, pp. 35-36, 6 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Explosion risks during the grinding and blasting of light metals |
| Gesund und Sicher (1997) No. 2, pp. 48-52, 6 fig., 3 tables (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Analysis of accidents in explosive atmospheres |
| TÜ Technische Überwachung 37 (1996) No. 1/2, pp. 32-37, 5 fig., 7 tab., 26 lit.-ref.
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Dust explosions in the sugar industry
Experiences from accidents - Documentation dust explosions
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 56 (1996) No. 10, pp. 369-374, 4 fig., 10 tab., 27 lit.-ref.
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Jeske, A. | | Reports on dust explosions - individual results and documentation |
| VDI-Berichte 1272, pp. 365-387, 13 fig., 10 tab., 29 lit.-ref.
Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1996 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Alfert, F.; Bartknecht, W.; Beck, H.; Isselhard, K.; Jaeger, N.; Janssens, H.B.; Lunn, G.; Ott, R.J.; Pellmont, G.; Rainbauer, H.; Scholl, E.W.; Siwek, R.; van Laar, G.; van Wingerden, K.; Voorschuur, H.; Wiemann, W.; Zockoll, C. |
| Determination of burning and explosion characteristics of dusts |
| ISSA Prevention Series No. 2018, 35 pp., 15 fig., 1 tab. 11 lit.-ref.
Published by: ISSA International Section for Machine Safety, Mannheim 1995
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. | | Problems in connection with fire and explosion protection in the wood working industry |
| HOB Die Holzbearbeitung (1993) No. 11 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Remarkable dust explosions of the last years |
| VDI-Kolloquium Sichere Handhabung brennbarer Stäube, 04.-06.11.1992, Nürnberg - Vortrag.
VDI-Berichte (1992) No. 975, pp. 47-70, 20 lit. ref., 5 tab., 12 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Keep conveying systems under control
Bulk material trasporter/Fire and explosion hazards due to dust-containing bulk materials
| Handelsblatt, Technische Linie - Brandschutz (1.7.1992) (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Seitz, E. | | Protective measures to prevent dust explosions in the case of PVC-mixtures |
| Staub - Reinhalt. Luft 52 (1992) No. 10, pp. 399 - 402, 2 tab., 14 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Construction of industrial vacuum cleaners and small dust-removing devices: Avoiding sources of ignition to prevent dust explosions
?Bauart 1?
| Staub - Reinhalt. Luft 52 (1992) No. 10, pp. 379 - 385, 4 fig., 1 tab., 21 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Jeske, A.; Beck, H. |
| Evaluations of dust explosions in the Federal Republic of Germany
Dust explosion documentation
| Newsletter 9 (1989) july, pp. 2-4, 4 lit. ref., 3 tab. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Jeske, A. | | Documentation on dust explosions
Risks - documentation - evaluation
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 1, pp. 35-39, 24 lit. ref., 6 tab. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Jeske, A. |
| Testing of mobile industrial vacuum cleaners to be used in areas endangered by dust explosions
Construction type 1 - vacuum cleaners
| VDI-Berichte (1988) No. 701 Sichere Handhabung brennbarer Stäube, pp. 881-897, 17 lit. ref.,
1 tab., 4 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf
Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 3, pp. 83-85 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Jeske, A.; Beck, H. |
| Documentation dust explosions
- Analysis and presentation of single cases |
| BIA-Report 2/87. 32 pp., 17 tab., 14 lit.-ref. + appendix presentation of single cases. Published by:
Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA des Hauptverbandes der gewerblichen
Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1987 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Protection against dust explosion in changing times |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 46 (1986) No. 4, pp. 206-210, 30 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Glienke, N. | | Method for the determination of burning and explosion characteristics of dust |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 45 (1985) No. 11, pp. 532-535, 7 lit. refs., 1 table, 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H.; Jeske, A. |
| Dokumentation Staubexplosionen
Analyse und Einzelfalldarstellung |
| BIA-Report 4/82. 41 S., 9 Lit., 6 Tab., 32 Abb. + 103 S. Anhang. Hrsg.: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA des Hauptverbandes der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1982 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Explosionsgefahren beim Umgang mit organischen Stäuben |
| 7. Brandschutzseminar 1980, Vortrag - Köln. 15 S. Hrsg.: Verband der Sachversicherer, Köln 1980 (Language:D) |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| Übersicht über die erfaßten Staubexplosionen beim Berufsgenossenschaftlichen Institut für Arbeitssicherheit |
| 7. Brandschutzseminar 1980, Vortrag - Köln. 20 S., 9 Tab. Hrsg.: Verband der Sachversicherer, Köln 1980 (Language:D) |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| Explosionsereignisse in Getreide- und Futtermittelumschlageanlagen und Mühlen sowie Maßnahmen zu ihrer Verhütung |
| Informationstagung "Explosionsschutz beim Umschlag und der Lagerung von Getreide- und Futtermitteln", 6. Juni 1979, Vortrag - Bremen. Schriftenreihe Arbeitsschutz Nr. 30 (1980), S. 26-47, 5 Tab., 1 Abb. Hrsg.: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Unfallforschung, Dortmund 1980 (Language:D) |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Beck, H. |
| Staubexplosionen in den letzten Jahren und ihre Ursachen |
| Moderne Unfallverhütung (1978) Nr. 22, S. 78-81 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Bekanntgewordene Staubexplosionen der letzten Jahre |
| VDI-Berichte (1978) Nr. 304. Hrsg.: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1978 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. |
| Schutzmaßnahmen beim Schleifen und Polieren von Aluminium und seinen Legierungen zur Vermeidung von Staubbränden und Staubexplosionen |
| STF-Report Nr. 3/77. Hrsg.: STF - Staubforschungsinstitut des Hauptverbandes der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Bonn 1977 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Staubexplosionen - Dokumentarische Erfassung |
| Die Berufsgenossenschaft (1977) Nr. 7, S. 301-305 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Beck, H. | | Erfahrungen bei der labormäßigen Bestimmung explosionstechnischer Kenngrößen von Stäuben |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 36 (1976) Nr. 1, S. 49-52 (Language:D) |
| Beck, H. | | Dokumentarische Erfassung von Staubexplosionen - Ein Beitrag zur Unfallursachenforschung |
| Die Berufsgenossenschaft (1974) Nr. 10, S. 405-407 (Language:D) |