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 Mewes, D.
 Crushing forces of power operated doors
 No. 0031, Edition 1/2015, 2 pages, 5 lit. refs., 1 fig. In: Focus on IFA's work. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:EN)
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 Mewes, D.
 Crushing forces of power operated doors
 No. 0031, Edition 1/2015, 2 pages, 5 lit. refs., 1 fig. In: Aus der Arbeit des IFA. Published by: Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV), Berlin - loose-leaf edition (Language:D)
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Mewes, D.; Mauser, F.
 Safeguarding crushing points by limitation of forces
 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 9 (2003) No. 2, pp. 177-191, 10 lit. refs., 13 figs. (in English) (Language:EN)
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 Mewes, D.
 Closing pressure on power-driven doors and gates
 BIA-Info 8/98. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1998) No. 8, p. S32, 1 reference, 1 table. (Language:D)
Mewes, D.; Mauser, F.
 Protection from crushing points on power-driven doors and gates by limiting the closing pressures
 Lift-Report 23 (1997) No. 5, pp. 162-164, 6 fig., 1 table, 9 lit.-ref. (Language:D)
Mewes, D.; Mauser, F.
 Protection from crushing points on power-driven doors and gates by limiting the closing pressures
 Tür + Tor-Report 17 (1997) No. 3, pp. 14-16, 6 fig., 1 table, 9 lit.-ref. (Language:D)