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 Pfeiffer, W.; Mohr, P.; Teich, E.; Rühl, R.; Hurraß, J.; Kleine, H.; Hennig, M.; Lichtenstein, N.; Paszkiewicz, P.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Tobys, H.-U.
 Tätigkeiten mit Styrol - Sachstandsbericht
 Kennzahl 120 225, 2nd suppl. IX/2007, 9 pages, 24 lit. refs., 3 tables. In: BGIA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Published by: BGIA - Institut für Arbeitsschutz. 2nd edition. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 978 3 503 07417 4 (Language:D)
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 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Exhaust and separation of metal-working fluids in closed machine tools - Introduction
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 66 (2006) No. 10, pp. 407-410, 4 lit. refs., 5 figs. (Language:D)
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Benninghoven, A.; Bindzius, F.; Cramer, J.; Ellegast, R.P.; Flowerday, U.; Genz, A.; von der Heyden, T.; Pfeiffer, W.; Schittly, D.; Schweer, R.; Stamm, R.
 CCall - Healthy and Successful Work in Call-Centres
 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 11 (2005) No. 4, pp. 409-421, 17 lit. refs., 6 tables, 5 figs. (in English) (Language:EN)
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 Pfeiffer, W.
 Requirements for separators for hazardous substances
 Sicherheitstechnisches Informations- und Arbeitsblatt 130 217, 47th suppl. XII/2005, 4 pages, 19 lit. refs. In: BGIA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz - BGIA. 2nd edition. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 3 503 07417 1 (Language:D)
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 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Model of ideal room ventilation
 Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial 57 (2005) No. 11, p. spezial 44, 1 lit. ref., 2 figs. (Language:D)
Meffert, K.; Breuer, D.; Kluger, N.; Berges, M.; Kleine, H.; Liese, A.; Ellegast, R.P.; Bernhard, J.; Kiene, H.C.; Schaefer, M.; Becker, K.D.; Umbreit, M.; Maue, J.H.; Fellberg, H.; von der Heyden, T.; Pfeiffer, W.; Flowerday, U.
 The BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - BGIA
 die BG (2005) No. 5, pp. 242-248, 12 lit. refs., 11 figs. (Language:D)
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Pfeiffer, W.
 Exhaust and filtration of cooling lubricant emissions
 Technische Überwachung 46 (2005) No. 4, pp. 45-47, 7 lit. refs., 4 figs. (Language:D)
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Pfeiffer, W.
 Erfassung von Kühlschmierstoff-Emissionen
 Tagung Lufterfassungseinrichtungen am Arbeitsplatz, 28-29 September 2004, Gelsenkirchen - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2004) No. 1854, pp. 93-97, 1 lit. ref., 2 figs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091854-3 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Planung von Erfassungseinrichtungen
 Tagung Lufterfassungseinrichtungen am Arbeitsplatz, 28-29 September 2004, Gelsenkirchen - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2004) No. 1854, pp. 31-37, 4 lit. refs., 1 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091854-3 (Language:D)
 Rudolf, E.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Thermal spraying. Dangerous substances, measurements and protective measures
 BIA-Report 2/2004. 81 pages, 43 lit. refs., 10 tables, 37 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG), Sankt Augustin 2004. ISBN: 3-88383-658-3 (Language:D)
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Pfeiffer, W.
 Kühlschmierstoffe - ein modernes Schutzmaßnahmenkonzept
 19. Münchner Gefahrstoff-Tage, 26-28 November 2003, Munich - lecture. Proceedings, 10 pages, 13 lit. refs., 7 figs. verlag moderne industrie, mic - mi information center, Landsberg 2003 (Language:D)
 Blome, H.; Bonhoff, K.; Kleine, H.; Lichtenstein, N.; Pfeiffer, W.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Schulz, D.; Welzbacher, U.
 Hazardous substances: A training and workbook
 296 pages. Published by: Ulrich Welzbacher, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften - HVBG. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003. ISBN: 3 503 07424 4 (Language:D)
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 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Experience with new ventilation systems in working areas
 Sichere Arbeit (2003) No. 2, pp. 28-33, 6 lit. refs., 15 figs. (Language:D)
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Pfeiffer, W.
 Atmospheric conditions and air quality in call centres Just right?
 Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2003) No. 4, p. Sp 16, 1 lit. ref., 1 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Protective measures for handling metal working fluids
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 63 (2003) No. 4, pp. 147-152, 13 lit. refs., 1 table, 6 figs. (Language:D)
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 Pfeiffer, W.
 Precipitation: Occupational health and safety requirements
 Tagung Luftqualität und Lärmminderung am Arbeitsplatz auch unter Berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher Aspekte, 10 October 2002, Düsseldorf - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2002) No. 1710, pp. 29-42, 20 lit. refs., 2 tables, 3 figs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091710-5 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Cramer, J.; Ellegast, R.P.; von der Heyden, T.; Liedtke, M.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Working environment and ergonomics in call centres
 CCall-guideline. 16 pages, numerous lit. refs. and figs. Published by: Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft, Hamburg 2002 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Experience gained from the use of new workplace ventilation systems
 International Symposium "Dusts, fumes and mists in the workplace: risks and their prevention", 11-13 June 2001, Toulouse/France - lecture. Proceedings pp. 169-173, 6 lit. refs., 14 figs. Published by: ISSA Section Chemistry and Section Research, Paris (Language:D)
 Cramer, J.; Ellegast, R.P.; von der Heyden, T.; Liedtke, M.; Pfeiffer, W.; Stamm, R.
 Work environment and ergonomics
 CCall Report 4. 123 pages, 47 lit. refs., 15 tables, 47 figs. Published by: Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft, Hamburg 2001 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Education slides on occupational health and safety Hazardous substances: Occupational safety and health measures
 3rd completely revised edition, 20 pages, 11 foil. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Bielefeld 2001. ISBN: 3 503 05761 7 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Barig, A.; Chudziak, K.; Dahmann, D.; Feige-Munzig, A.; Felten, C.; Henn, M.; Kleine, H.; Kolmsee, K.; Pfeiffer, W.; Zoubek, G.
 Contact with substances for which no limit value exists Summary of papers delivered at the BIA G3 seminar (engineered protective measures) on 28 September 1999 in Sankt Augustin, Germany
 63 pages, numerous lit. refs., tables and figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 2001 (Language:D)
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 Eickmann, U.; Böckler, M.; Dahmann, D.; Fehlauer, M.; Fries, H.-G.; Goergens, U.; Kleine, H.; Küter, B.; Pfeiffer, W.; Polanz, O.; Seitz, M.; Stockmann, R.; Waldinger, C.; Werner, W.; Wilms, V.; Zier, B.
 Methods and generation of models for the analysis of working areas
 BIA-Report 3/2001. 266 pages, numerous lit. refs., 42 tables, 42 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 2001. ISBN: 3-88383-588-9 (Language:D)
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Pfeiffer, W.; Rabente, T.
 Guidelines for practical application Coolant lubricants
 Sicherheitsingenieur (2000) No. 6, pp. 16-21, 1 table, 7 figs. (Language:D)
Rabente, T.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Coolant lubricants - guidelines for practical application
 Die BG (2000) No. 6, pp. 332-336, 1 table, 4 figs. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Calculation of diesel engine emission concentrations Information of the BIA on workplace monitoring in companies (BAB-Info)
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 60 (2000) No. 1-2, p. 19 (Language:D)
 Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W.; Berges, M.; Hennig, M.; Lichtenstein, N.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stockmann, R.
 Measuring, assessing and protecting while handling complex mixtures containing hydrocarbons
 BIA-Report 5/99. 149 pp., 61 lit. ref., 27 tables, 30 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1999 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Fire and explosion when using non-water mixable cooling lubricants
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 58 (1998) No. 1/2, pp. 57-59, 9 references (Language:D)
Stamm, R.; Bock, W.; Breuer, D.; Hahn, J.U.; Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stückrath, M.; Blome, H.
 Workplace exposure to hazardous substances: status quo
 BIA-Report 2/96. 2nd updated edition, 70 pages, 18 references, numberous tables. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1998 (Language:D)
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Pfeiffer, W.
 Guidance on protective measures for the handling of complex hydrocarbon mixtures
 Die BG (1998) No. 1, pp. 47-52, 18 references, 1 table, 7 figs. (Language:D)
Kiechle, A.; Müller, J.; Rocker, M.; Sonnenschein, G.; Storck, J.; Blome, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Breuer, D.
 Complex hydrocarbon mixtures (KKG): Problems arising from the application of atmospheric limit values for cooling lubricants Information of the BIA on workplace monitoring in companies (BAB-Info)
 Die BG (1997) No. 12, p. 723, 5 lit.-ref. --- Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 57 (1997) No. 12, p. 517, 5 lit.-ref. (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Ventilation in industrial halls
 9. Heidelberger Tagung der Flurförderzeug-Betreiber, 11-12 March 1997, Heidelberg ? paper. VDI-Berichte 1327, pp. 89-98, 5 fig., 2 tables, 3 lit.-ref. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1997 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Ventilation in industrial halls and workshops
 BIA-Info 2/97. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1997) No. 2, p. S8 (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.; Breuer, D.; Lichtenstein, N.; Berger, D.; Bohne-Matusall, R.; Heger, M.; Lautenschläger, H.; Müller, J.; Rühl, R.; Schwarzer, H.G.
 Handling of complex hydrocarbon mixtures Summary of the papers presented at the BIA seminar G 3 "Technical protection measures" on 1 October 1996 in Sankt Augustin
 BIA-Report 8/97. 111 pp., many fig., tables and lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1997 (Language:D)
Müller, J.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Other complex hydrocarbon mixtures
 Gefahrstoffe ? Reinhalt. Luft 57 (1997) No. 6, pp. 275-276, 2 tables (Language:D)
 Blome, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Riediger, G. ; Perlebach, E.
 Dust/aerosols at the workplace
 AS-Praxis 26 (1997) Heft 3, Gruppe 9, pp. 109-149, 10 fig., 11 tables, 34 lit.-ref. In: Arbeitssicherheit ? Handbuch für Unternehmensleitung, Betriebsrat und Führungskräfte. Published by: Rudolf Haufe Verlag, Freiburg 1997 ? loose-leaf collection (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Hazardous substances at the workplace Substitution of substances, emission reduction, air technology 18th and 19th October 1995, Fulda
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 56 (1996) No. 6, pp. 247-249 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Air quality Ventilation in industrial halls
 SAFETY 17 (1996) No. 3, pp. 28-32, 5 fig., 1 tab., 9 lit.-ref. (in Chinese) (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Lufttechnik in Industriehallen
 BIA-seminar G 3 "Technical protective measures", 13 Juni 1995 BIA-Report 8/96. 119 pp., many fig., tab. and lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1996 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Cooling lubricants: protection against vapours and aerosols
 BIA-Info 2/96. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1996) No. 5, p. S20, 2 fig. (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.; Breuer, D.; Blome, H.; Deininger, C.; Hahn, J.U.; Kleine, H.; Nies, E.; Stockmann, R.; Willert, G.; Sonnenschein, G.
 Cooling lubricants
 BIA-Report 7/96. 234 pp., 35 fig., 37 tab., many lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1996 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Measures to protect the skin against cooling lubricants
 BIA-Info 1/96. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1996) No. 4, p. S16 (Language:D)
Lichtenstein, N.; Pfeiffer, W.; Blome, H.; Kieburg, E.; Pätzold, M.
 Assessment of workplace measurements of gases, vapours and metal fumes carried out in the GDR - Conversion factors used for evaluating cases of suspected occupational diseases
 Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 56 (1996) No. 9, pp. 341-343, 1 tab., 5 lit.-ref. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Air quality Ventilation in industrial halls
 Staub - Reinhalt. Luft 55 (1995) No. 6, pp. 239-242, 5 fig., 1 tab., 9 lit.-ref. (Language:EN)
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Abrasive blasting equipment: requirements in terms of emission reduction
 Workshop "sandblasting" Sicherheits- und Umweltschutzaspekte bei der Oberflächenvorbehandlung (Safety and environmental aspects of surface pre-treatment), 25.10.1995, Wuppertal - paper. Proceedings 10 pp., 2 fig., 4 tab., 10 lit.-ref. Published by: Technische Akademie Wuppertal 1995 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Ritscher, G.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Clean air return - possibilities and limits
 Luftfremde Stoffe am Arbeitsplatz. Conference 18th and 19th October 1995, Fulda - paper. VDI-Berichte 1209, pp. 387-396, 2 fig., 1 tab., 13 lit.-ref. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1995 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Pfeiffer, W.; Jüstel, K.
 VDI-guidelines for clean air at work
 Conference ?Luftfremde Stoffe am Arbeitsplatz? (Air pollutants at the workplace), 18th and 19th October 1995, Fulda - paper. VDI-Berichte 1209, pp. 63-79, 9 fig., 6 lit.-ref. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1995 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Risks due to cooling lubricants at the workplace - measures for safe handling of cooling lubricants
 Conference "Kühlschmierstoffe in der spanenden Fertigung", 9th and 10th October 1995, Bremen - paper. Manual 25 pp., 4 fig., 1 tab., 10 lit.-ref. Published by: Deutsches Industrieforum für Technologie, Kempen 1995 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Coenen, W.; Blome, H.; Stamm, R.; Siekmann, H.; Lichtenstein, N.; Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Workplace assessment Hazardous substances: Measurement, assessment and preventive measures
 BIA-Report 4/94. 2. Modified edition, 108 pp., many fig., tab. and lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1995 (Language:D)
Bock, W.; Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stamm, R.; Stückrath, M.; Blome, H.
 Exposure to carcinogenic substances: an overview
 Die BG (1995) No. 1, pp. 12 13, 3 fig., 4 tab. (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.; Schenk, C.; Stockmann, R.; Willert, G.
 Emission of hazardous substances during EDM (cavity sinking by EDM) Measurement, assessment and protective measures
 BIA-Report 9/95. 43 pp., 5 fig., 2 tab., 15 lit.-ref. + annex. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1995 (Language:D)
 Full text
Pfeiffer, W.
 Symposium Filtering separators Dresden, 17 September 1993
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 54 (1994) No. 6, p. 259 (Language:D)
Engels, L.-H.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Safe handling of cooling lubricants
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 54 (1994) No. 10, pp. 397-401, 3 tab., 7 fig. (Language:D)
Bauer, H.-D.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Workplace air Reduction of hazardous substances - German guideline
 Internationales Symposium Ventilation '94. 05.-09.09.1994, Stockholm - Vortrag. Proceeding 6 pp., 6 lit. ref., 2 tab., 3 fig. (Language:EN)
Pfeiffer, W.; Jüstel, K.
 Technical measures for the reduction of exposure to air pollutants Guideline VDI 2262 part 3: ventilation technical measures
 Staub - Reinhalt. Luft 54 (1994) No. 10, pp. 387 - 388, 4 lit.-ref. (Language:D)
 Sonnenschein, G.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Air quality control for the use of cooling lubricants
 VDI-Koordinierungsstelle Umwelttechnik. Reinhaltung der Luft in Industriehallen. Tagung 23.-24.09.1993, Duisburg - Vortrag. VDI-Berichte (1993) No. 1069, pp. 131-146, 4 lit. ref., 2 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Basic aspects of air quality control in industry - occupational health and safety
 VDI-Koordinierungsstelle Umwelttechnik. Reinhaltung der Luft in Industriehallen. Tagung 23.-24.09.1993, Duisburg - Vortrag. VDI-Berichte (1993) No. 1069, pp. 1-20, 28 lit. ref., 2 tab., 3 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Pfeiffer, W.
 Measures to limit exposure to diesel engine emissions
 BIA-Report 2/93. 80 pp., many fig., tab. and lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1993 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.; Kopp, W.
 ENVITEC 92 - Technology for environment protection 7th international exhibition and conference, 25th to 29th May 1992, Düsseldorf
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 52 (1992) No. 11, pp. 431-432, 1 tab. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Measures reducing exposure to cooling lubricants
 Die BG (1992) No. 2, pp. 83-88, 18 lit. ref., 3 fig. (Language:D)
Brunk, M.F.; Dittes, W.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Is the air change a design parameter for ventilation and air conditioning systems in production halls?
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 52 (1992) No. 9, pp. 331-337, 39 lit. ref., 2 tab., 4 fig. (Language:D)
Brunk, M.F.; Dittes, W.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Design of indoor ventilation systems for production halls
 HLH 43 (1992) No. 3, pp. 118-126, 38 lit. ref., 5 tab., 6 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Elimination and substitution of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials - environmental pollution versus health protection at work
 Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium am 19.05.1992, Köln - Vortrag. pp. 59-67, 8 fig. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1992 (Language:D)
Kopp, W.; Pfeiffer, W.; Engels, L.-H.
 ACHEMA '91 International conference on chemical engineering and biotechnology 23rd conference and exhibition of chemical apparates
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 51 (1991) No. 11, pp. 421-427 (Language:D)
 Brunk, M.F.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Air conduction in welding workshops: Systems for clean indoor air
 Industrie-Anzeiger 21 (1991), pp. 18+21, 6 lit. ref., 4 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.; Willert, G.
 Blasting rooms in foundry industry
 BIA-Report 2/91. 75 pp., 34 fig., 18 tab., 46 lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1991 (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Effects of clean air return on working room concentration
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 50 (1990) No. 4, pp. 167-169, 10 lit. ref., 1 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Measures to reduce exposure to hazardous substances
 VDI-Berichte No. 799 (1990), pp. 99-117, 15 lit. ref., 1 tab., 9 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Measures in view of reduced exposure to hazardous substances Amended directive VDI 2262
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 50 (1990) No. 11, pp. 399-401, 7 lit. ref. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.; Brunk, M.F.
 Ventilation of welding halls
 Energy and Buildings (1990) No. 14, pp. 215-219, 4 lit. ref., 8 fig. (Language:EN)
Blome, H.; Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W.; Wolf, D.
 Problems in evaluating workplace atmospheres when handling cooling lubricants
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 50 (1990) No. 1, pp. 3-6, 14 lit. ref., 1 tab. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.; Kopp, W.
 ENVITEC 89 - Techniques for environmental protection. 6th International Fair and Congress, 10-14 April 1989, Düsseldorf
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 7/8, pp. 267-269 (Language:D)
Brunk, M.F.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Ventilation in industrial workshops
 HLH 40 (1989) No. 7, pp. 348-351, 7 lit. ref., 8 fig. (Language:D)
Sonnenschein, G.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Cooling lubricants - Protective measures
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 11, pp. 413-417, 6 lit. ref., 6 fig. (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.
 Dangerous materials and safety measures in relation to thermal spraying
 Arbeitsschutz in der Schweißtechnik, 15.-16.11.1989, Essen - Vortrag. DVS-Berichte Band 126, pp. 18-20, 6 lit. ref., 2 fig. Published by: Deutscher Verein für Schweißtechnik e.V., Düsseldorf 1989 (Language:D)
 Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's.
Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Measuring procedure to determine oil mist and oil vapour concentrations in workplace atmospheres
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 10, pp. 353-357, 9 lit. ref., 3 tab., 4 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Dust reducing measures during thermal spraying
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 4, pp. 139-144, 12 lit. ref., 2 tab., 4 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 The ventilation of abrasive blasting cabins
 Maschinenmarkt 94 (1988) No. 9, pp. 82-86, 5 lit. ref., 4 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Ventilation of welding shops
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 4, pp. 113-117, 21 lit. ref., 1 tab., 5 fig. (Language:D)
Lambert, J.; Hahn, J.U.; Pfeiffer, W.; Siekmann, H.
 BIA-recommendations. General requirements on measuring methods for the determination of harmful material concentrations in workplace atmospheres
 Part 1: Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 9, pp. 345-349, 7 lit. ref., 1 tab. Part 2: Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 10, pp. 397-400, 7 lit. ref. --- arbeitsmedizin aktuell, 25th suppl., 11/89, pp. 145-158. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1989 (Language:D)
Jüstel, K.; Kahnwald, H.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Waste gas ventilation
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 47 (1987) No. 1/2, pp. 33-37, 30 lit. ref., 2 tab., 8 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Ventilation of blasting operation rooms
 Giesserei 74 (1987) No. 12, pp. 382-385, 5 lit. ref., 4 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Occupational safety restricts the feedback of purified air
 Industrie-Anzeiger (1987) No. 46/47, pp. 28-29, 2 tab. (Language:D)
Kempf, E.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Health risks due to dust occuring in dental laboratories Part 1: Dust producing procedures and results of dust measurements
 Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Präventivmedizin (1987) No. 1, pp. 13-18, 15 lit. ref., 5 tab., 6 fig. (Language:D)
Pfeiffer, W.
 Nickel and chromate exposures in workplace atmospheres of welders
 BIA-Information 2/87. Die BG (1987) No. 3, pp. 142-143, 6 lit. ref., 3 tab. (Language:D)
Lambert, J.; Hahn, J.U.; Pfeiffer, W.; Siekmann, H.
 General requirements on measuring methods for the determination of harmful material concentrations in workplace atmospheres
 Fachtagung "Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz", 21.-23.10.1987, Bonn - Vortrag. Proceeding pp. 208-226, 5 lit. ref., 6 fig. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit, Sankt Augustin 1987 (Language:D)
Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W.
 Application of the technical regulation for harmful materials 402 in the practice
 Fachtagung "Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz", 21.-23.10.1987, Bonn - Vortrag. Proceeding pp. 129-147, 4 lit. ref., 8 fig. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit, Sankt Augustin 1987 --- Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 2, pp. 57-61 (Language:D)
 Pfeiffer, W.; Willert, G.
 Thermisches Spritzen Technische Maßnahmen zur Staubminderung
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 Development of the dust measuring technique in workplace atmospheres
 Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 46 (1986) No. 4, pp. 177-181, 43 lit. refs. (Language:D)
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