| Pfeiffer, W.; Mohr, P.; Teich, E.; Rühl, R.; Hurraß, J.; Kleine, H.; Hennig, M.; Lichtenstein, N.; Paszkiewicz, P.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Tobys, H.-U. |
| Tätigkeiten mit Styrol - Sachstandsbericht |
| Kennzahl 120 225, 2nd suppl. IX/2007, 9 pages, 24 lit. refs., 3 tables. In: BGIA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Published by: BGIA - Institut für Arbeitsschutz. 2nd edition. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 978 3 503 07417 4
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Exhaust and separation of metal-working fluids in closed machine tools - Introduction |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 66 (2006) No. 10, pp. 407-410, 4 lit. refs., 5 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Benninghoven, A.; Bindzius, F.; Cramer, J.; Ellegast, R.P.; Flowerday, U.; Genz, A.; von der Heyden, T.; Pfeiffer, W.; Schittly, D.; Schweer, R.; Stamm, R. | | CCall - Healthy and Successful Work in Call-Centres |
| International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 11 (2005) No. 4, pp. 409-421, 17 lit. refs., 6 tables, 5 figs. (in English) (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Requirements for separators for hazardous substances |
| Sicherheitstechnisches Informations- und Arbeitsblatt 130 217, 47th suppl. XII/2005, 4 pages, 19 lit. refs. In: BGIA-Handbuch Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitsschutz - BGIA. 2nd edition. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003 - loose-leaf edition. ISBN: 3 503 07417 1 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Model of ideal room ventilation |
| Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial 57 (2005) No. 11, p. spezial 44, 1 lit. ref., 2 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Meffert, K.; Breuer, D.; Kluger, N.; Berges, M.; Kleine, H.; Liese, A.; Ellegast, R.P.; Bernhard, J.; Kiene, H.C.; Schaefer, M.; Becker, K.D.; Umbreit, M.; Maue, J.H.; Fellberg, H.; von der Heyden, T.; Pfeiffer, W.; Flowerday, U. | | The BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - BGIA |
| die BG (2005) No. 5, pp. 242-248, 12 lit. refs., 11 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Exhaust and filtration of cooling lubricant emissions |
| Technische Überwachung 46 (2005) No. 4, pp. 45-47, 7 lit. refs., 4 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Erfassung von Kühlschmierstoff-Emissionen |
| Tagung Lufterfassungseinrichtungen am Arbeitsplatz, 28-29 September 2004, Gelsenkirchen - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2004) No. 1854, pp. 93-97, 1 lit. ref., 2 figs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091854-3 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Planung von Erfassungseinrichtungen |
| Tagung Lufterfassungseinrichtungen am Arbeitsplatz, 28-29 September 2004, Gelsenkirchen - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2004) No. 1854, pp. 31-37, 4 lit. refs., 1 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091854-3 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Rudolf, E.; Pfeiffer, W. |
| Thermal spraying.
Dangerous substances, measurements and protective measures |
| BIA-Report 2/2004. 81 pages, 43 lit. refs., 10 tables, 37 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG), Sankt Augustin 2004. ISBN: 3-88383-658-3 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Kühlschmierstoffe - ein modernes Schutzmaßnahmenkonzept |
| 19. Münchner Gefahrstoff-Tage, 26-28 November 2003, Munich - lecture. Proceedings, 10 pages, 13 lit. refs., 7 figs. verlag moderne industrie, mic - mi information center, Landsberg 2003 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Blome, H.; Bonhoff, K.; Kleine, H.; Lichtenstein, N.; Pfeiffer, W.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Schulz, D.; Welzbacher, U. |
| Hazardous substances:
A training and workbook |
| 296 pages. Published by: Ulrich Welzbacher, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften - HVBG. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2003. ISBN: 3 503 07424 4 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Experience with new ventilation systems in working areas |
| Sichere Arbeit (2003) No. 2, pp. 28-33, 6 lit. refs., 15 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Atmospheric conditions and air quality in call centres
Just right? |
| Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (2003) No. 4, p. Sp 16, 1 lit. ref., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Protective measures for handling metal working fluids |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 63 (2003) No. 4, pp. 147-152, 13 lit. refs., 1 table, 6 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Precipitation: Occupational health and safety requirements |
| Tagung Luftqualität und Lärmminderung am Arbeitsplatz auch unter Berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher Aspekte, 10 October 2002, Düsseldorf - lecture. VDI-Berichte (2002) No. 1710, pp. 29-42, 20 lit. refs., 2 tables, 3 figs. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf. ISBN: 3-18-091710-5 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Cramer, J.; Ellegast, R.P.; von der Heyden, T.; Liedtke, M.; Pfeiffer, W. |
| Working environment and ergonomics
in call centres |
| CCall-guideline. 16 pages, numerous lit. refs. and figs. Published by: Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft, Hamburg 2002 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Experience gained from the use of new workplace ventilation systems |
| International Symposium "Dusts, fumes and mists in the workplace: risks and their prevention", 11-13 June 2001, Toulouse/France - lecture. Proceedings pp. 169-173, 6 lit. refs., 14 figs. Published by: ISSA Section Chemistry and Section Research, Paris (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Cramer, J.; Ellegast, R.P.; von der Heyden, T.; Liedtke, M.; Pfeiffer, W.; Stamm, R. |
| Work environment and ergonomics |
| CCall Report 4. 123 pages, 47 lit. refs., 15 tables, 47 figs. Published by: Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft, Hamburg 2001 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Education slides on occupational health and safety
Hazardous substances: Occupational safety and health measures |
| 3rd completely revised edition, 20 pages, 11 foil. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Bielefeld 2001. ISBN: 3 503 05761 7 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Barig, A.; Chudziak, K.; Dahmann, D.; Feige-Munzig, A.; Felten, C.; Henn, M.; Kleine, H.; Kolmsee, K.; Pfeiffer, W.; Zoubek, G. |
| Contact with substances for which no limit value exists
Summary of papers delivered at the BIA G3 seminar (engineered protective measures)
on 28 September 1999 in Sankt Augustin, Germany |
| 63 pages, numerous lit. refs., tables and figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 2001 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Eickmann, U.; Böckler, M.; Dahmann, D.; Fehlauer, M.; Fries, H.-G.; Goergens, U.; Kleine, H.; Küter, B.; Pfeiffer, W.; Polanz, O.; Seitz, M.; Stockmann, R.; Waldinger, C.; Werner, W.; Wilms, V.; Zier, B. |
| Methods and generation of models for the analysis of working areas |
| BIA-Report 3/2001. 266 pages, numerous lit. refs., 42 tables, 42 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 2001. ISBN: 3-88383-588-9 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Rabente, T. | | Guidelines for practical application
Coolant lubricants |
| Sicherheitsingenieur (2000) No. 6, pp. 16-21, 1 table, 7 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Rabente, T.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Coolant lubricants - guidelines for practical application |
| Die BG (2000) No. 6, pp. 332-336, 1 table, 4 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Calculation of diesel engine emission concentrations
Information of the BIA on workplace monitoring in companies (BAB-Info) |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 60 (2000) No. 1-2, p. 19 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W.; Berges, M.; Hennig, M.; Lichtenstein, N.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stockmann, R. |
| Measuring, assessing and protecting while handling complex mixtures containing hydrocarbons |
| BIA-Report 5/99. 149 pp., 61 lit. ref., 27 tables, 30 figs. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1999 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Fire and explosion when using non-water mixable cooling lubricants |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 58 (1998) No. 1/2, pp. 57-59, 9 references (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Stamm, R.; Bock, W.; Breuer, D.; Hahn, J.U.; Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stückrath, M.; Blome, H. | | Workplace exposure to hazardous substances: status quo |
| BIA-Report 2/96. 2nd updated edition, 70 pages, 18 references, numberous tables. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1998 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Guidance on protective measures for the handling of complex hydrocarbon mixtures |
| Die BG (1998) No. 1, pp. 47-52, 18 references, 1 table, 7 figs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Kiechle, A.; Müller, J.; Rocker, M.; Sonnenschein, G.; Storck, J.; Blome, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Breuer, D. | | Complex hydrocarbon mixtures (KKG):
Problems arising from the application of atmospheric limit values for cooling lubricants
Information of the BIA on workplace monitoring in companies (BAB-Info) |
| Die BG (1997) No. 12, p. 723, 5 lit.-ref.
Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 57 (1997) No. 12, p. 517, 5 lit.-ref.
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Ventilation in industrial halls |
| 9. Heidelberger Tagung der Flurförderzeug-Betreiber, 11-12 March 1997, Heidelberg ? paper.
VDI-Berichte 1327, pp. 89-98, 5 fig., 2 tables, 3 lit.-ref. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1997 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Ventilation in industrial halls and workshops |
| BIA-Info 2/97. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1997) No. 2, p. S8 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Breuer, D.; Lichtenstein, N.; Berger, D.; Bohne-Matusall, R.; Heger, M.; Lautenschläger, H.; Müller, J.; Rühl, R.; Schwarzer, H.G. |
| Handling of complex hydrocarbon mixtures
Summary of the papers presented at the BIA seminar G 3 "Technical protection measures" on 1 October 1996 in Sankt Augustin |
| BIA-Report 8/97. 111 pp., many fig., tables and lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen
Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1997
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Müller, J.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Other complex hydrocarbon mixtures |
| Gefahrstoffe ? Reinhalt. Luft 57 (1997) No. 6, pp. 275-276, 2 tables (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Blome, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Riediger, G. ; Perlebach, E. |
| Dust/aerosols at the workplace |
| AS-Praxis 26 (1997) Heft 3, Gruppe 9, pp. 109-149, 10 fig., 11 tables, 34 lit.-ref.
In: Arbeitssicherheit ? Handbuch für Unternehmensleitung, Betriebsrat und Führungskräfte.
Published by: Rudolf Haufe Verlag, Freiburg 1997 ? loose-leaf collection (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Hazardous substances at the workplace
Substitution of substances, emission reduction, air technology
18th and 19th October 1995, Fulda
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 56 (1996) No. 6, pp. 247-249 (Language:D) |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Air quality
Ventilation in industrial halls
| SAFETY 17 (1996) No. 3, pp. 28-32, 5 fig., 1 tab., 9 lit.-ref.
(in Chinese)
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Lufttechnik in Industriehallen |
| BIA-seminar G 3 "Technical protective measures", 13 Juni 1995
BIA-Report 8/96. 119 pp., many fig., tab. and lit.-ref.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1996
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Cooling lubricants:
protection against vapours and aerosols
| BIA-Info 2/96. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1996) No. 5, p. S20, 2 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Breuer, D.; Blome, H.; Deininger, C.; Hahn, J.U.; Kleine, H.; Nies, E.; Stockmann, R.; Willert, G.; Sonnenschein, G. |
| Cooling lubricants |
| BIA-Report 7/96. 234 pp., 35 fig., 37 tab., many lit.-ref.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1996 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Measures to protect the skin against cooling lubricants |
| BIA-Info 1/96. Arbeit und Gesundheit spezial (1996) No. 4, p. S16 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Lichtenstein, N.; Pfeiffer, W.; Blome, H.; Kieburg, E.; Pätzold, M. | | Assessment of workplace measurements of gases, vapours and metal fumes carried out in the GDR -
Conversion factors used for evaluating cases of suspected occupational diseases |
| Gefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft 56 (1996) No. 9, pp. 341-343, 1 tab., 5 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Air quality
Ventilation in industrial halls
| Staub - Reinhalt. Luft 55 (1995) No. 6, pp. 239-242, 5 fig., 1 tab., 9 lit.-ref. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Abrasive blasting equipment: requirements in terms of emission reduction |
| Workshop "sandblasting" Sicherheits- und Umweltschutzaspekte bei der Oberflächenvorbehandlung
(Safety and environmental aspects of surface pre-treatment), 25.10.1995, Wuppertal - paper.
Proceedings 10 pp., 2 fig., 4 tab., 10 lit.-ref. Published by: Technische Akademie Wuppertal 1995
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Ritscher, G.; Pfeiffer, W. |
| Clean air return - possibilities and limits |
| Luftfremde Stoffe am Arbeitsplatz. Conference 18th and 19th October 1995, Fulda - paper.
VDI-Berichte 1209, pp. 387-396, 2 fig., 1 tab., 13 lit.-ref.
Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1995
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Jüstel, K. |
| VDI-guidelines for clean air at work |
| Conference ?Luftfremde Stoffe am Arbeitsplatz? (Air pollutants at the workplace),
18th and 19th October 1995, Fulda - paper. VDI-Berichte 1209, pp. 63-79, 9 fig., 6 lit.-ref.
Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1995 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Risks due to cooling lubricants at the workplace
- measures for safe handling of cooling lubricants
| Conference "Kühlschmierstoffe in der spanenden Fertigung", 9th and 10th October 1995, Bremen - paper.
Manual 25 pp., 4 fig., 1 tab., 10 lit.-ref. Published by: Deutsches Industrieforum für Technologie,
Kempen 1995 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Coenen, W.; Blome, H.; Stamm, R.; Siekmann, H.; Lichtenstein, N.; Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W. |
| Workplace assessment
Hazardous substances:
Measurement, assessment and preventive measures |
| BIA-Report 4/94. 2. Modified edition, 108 pp., many fig., tab. and lit.-ref.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1995 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Bock, W.; Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Pflaumbaum, W.; Stamm, R.; Stückrath, M.; Blome, H. | | Exposure to carcinogenic substances: an overview |
| Die BG (1995) No. 1, pp. 12 13, 3 fig., 4 tab. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Schenk, C.; Stockmann, R.; Willert, G. |
| Emission of hazardous substances during EDM (cavity sinking by EDM)
Measurement, assessment and protective measures |
| BIA-Report 9/95. 43 pp., 5 fig., 2 tab., 15 lit.-ref. + annex. Published by:
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1995 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Full text |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Symposium Filtering separators
Dresden, 17 September 1993 |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 54 (1994) No. 6, p. 259 (Language:D) |
| Engels, L.-H.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Safe handling of cooling lubricants |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 54 (1994) No. 10, pp. 397-401, 3 tab., 7 fig. (Language:D) |
| Bauer, H.-D.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Workplace air
Reduction of hazardous substances - German guideline
| Internationales Symposium Ventilation '94. 05.-09.09.1994, Stockholm - Vortrag.
Proceeding 6 pp., 6 lit. ref., 2 tab., 3 fig. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Jüstel, K. | | Technical measures for the reduction of exposure to air pollutants
Guideline VDI 2262 part 3: ventilation technical measures
| Staub - Reinhalt. Luft 54 (1994) No. 10, pp. 387 - 388, 4 lit.-ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Sonnenschein, G.; Pfeiffer, W. |
| Air quality control for the use of cooling lubricants |
| VDI-Koordinierungsstelle Umwelttechnik. Reinhaltung der Luft in Industriehallen.
Tagung 23.-24.09.1993, Duisburg - Vortrag. VDI-Berichte (1993) No. 1069, pp. 131-146, 4 lit. ref.,
2 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Basic aspects of air quality control in industry - occupational health and safety |
| VDI-Koordinierungsstelle Umwelttechnik. Reinhaltung der Luft in Industriehallen.
Tagung 23.-24.09.1993, Duisburg - Vortrag. VDI-Berichte (1993) No. 1069, pp. 1-20, 28 lit. ref.,
2 tab., 3 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Measures to limit exposure to diesel engine emissions |
| BIA-Report 2/93. 80 pp., many fig., tab. and lit.-ref. Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1993 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Kopp, W. | | ENVITEC 92 - Technology for environment protection
7th international exhibition and conference, 25th to 29th May 1992, Düsseldorf |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 52 (1992) No. 11, pp. 431-432, 1 tab. (Language:D) |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Measures reducing exposure to cooling lubricants |
| Die BG (1992) No. 2, pp. 83-88, 18 lit. ref., 3 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Brunk, M.F.; Dittes, W.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Is the air change a design parameter for ventilation and air conditioning systems in production halls? |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 52 (1992) No. 9, pp. 331-337, 39 lit. ref., 2 tab., 4 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Brunk, M.F.; Dittes, W.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Design of indoor ventilation systems for production halls |
| HLH 43 (1992) No. 3, pp. 118-126, 38 lit. ref., 5 tab., 6 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Elimination and substitution of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials - environmental pollution versus health protection at work |
| Arbeitsmedizinisches Kolloquium am 19.05.1992, Köln - Vortrag. pp. 59-67, 8 fig.
Published by: Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1992 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Kopp, W.; Pfeiffer, W.; Engels, L.-H. | | ACHEMA '91
International conference on chemical engineering and biotechnology
23rd conference and exhibition of chemical apparates |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 51 (1991) No. 11, pp. 421-427 (Language:D) |
| Brunk, M.F.; Pfeiffer, W. |
| Air conduction in welding workshops: Systems for clean indoor air |
| Industrie-Anzeiger 21 (1991), pp. 18+21, 6 lit. ref., 4 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Willert, G. | | Blasting rooms in foundry industry |
| BIA-Report 2/91. 75 pp., 34 fig., 18 tab., 46 lit.-ref. Published by:
Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, Sankt Augustin 1991
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Effects of clean air return on working room concentration |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 50 (1990) No. 4, pp. 167-169, 10 lit. ref., 1 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Measures to reduce exposure to hazardous substances |
| VDI-Berichte No. 799 (1990), pp. 99-117, 15 lit. ref., 1 tab., 9 fig. Published by: VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Measures in view of reduced exposure to hazardous substances
Amended directive VDI 2262
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 50 (1990) No. 11, pp. 399-401, 7 lit. ref. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Brunk, M.F. | | Ventilation of welding halls |
| Energy and Buildings (1990) No. 14, pp. 215-219, 4 lit. ref., 8 fig. (Language:EN) |
| Abstract |
| Blome, H.; Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W.; Wolf, D. | | Problems in evaluating workplace atmospheres when handling cooling lubricants |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 50 (1990) No. 1, pp. 3-6, 14 lit. ref., 1 tab. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Kopp, W. | | ENVITEC 89 - Techniques for environmental protection. 6th International Fair and Congress, 10-14 April 1989, Düsseldorf |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 7/8, pp. 267-269 (Language:D) |
| Brunk, M.F.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Ventilation in industrial workshops |
| HLH 40 (1989) No. 7, pp. 348-351, 7 lit. ref., 8 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Sonnenschein, G.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Cooling lubricants - Protective measures |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 11, pp. 413-417, 6 lit. ref., 6 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. |
| Dangerous materials and safety measures in relation to thermal spraying |
| Arbeitsschutz in der Schweißtechnik, 15.-16.11.1989, Essen - Vortrag.
DVS-Berichte Band 126, pp. 18-20, 6 lit. ref., 2 fig.
Published by: Deutscher Verein für Schweißtechnik e.V., Düsseldorf 1989 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Title obtainable from the editor or at the bookseller's. |
| Breuer, D.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Measuring procedure to determine oil mist and oil vapour concentrations in workplace atmospheres |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 49 (1989) No. 10, pp. 353-357, 9 lit. ref., 3 tab., 4 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Dust reducing measures during thermal spraying |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 4, pp. 139-144, 12 lit. ref., 2 tab., 4 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | The ventilation of abrasive blasting cabins |
| Maschinenmarkt 94 (1988) No. 9, pp. 82-86, 5 lit. ref., 4 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Ventilation of welding shops |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 4, pp. 113-117, 21 lit. ref., 1 tab., 5 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Lambert, J.; Hahn, J.U.; Pfeiffer, W.; Siekmann, H. | | BIA-recommendations. General requirements on measuring methods for the determination of harmful material concentrations in workplace atmospheres |
| Part 1: Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 9, pp. 345-349, 7 lit. ref., 1 tab.
Part 2: Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 10, pp. 397-400, 7 lit. ref.
arbeitsmedizin aktuell, 25th suppl., 11/89, pp. 145-158. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1989
(Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Jüstel, K.; Kahnwald, H.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Waste gas ventilation |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 47 (1987) No. 1/2, pp. 33-37, 30 lit. ref., 2 tab., 8 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Ventilation of blasting operation rooms |
| Giesserei 74 (1987) No. 12, pp. 382-385, 5 lit. ref., 4 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Occupational safety restricts the feedback of purified air |
| Industrie-Anzeiger (1987) No. 46/47, pp. 28-29, 2 tab. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Kempf, E.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Health risks due to dust occuring in dental laboratories
Part 1: Dust producing procedures and results of dust measurements
| Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Präventivmedizin (1987) No. 1, pp. 13-18, 15 lit. ref., 5 tab., 6 fig. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Nickel and chromate exposures in workplace atmospheres of welders |
| BIA-Information 2/87. Die BG (1987) No. 3, pp. 142-143, 6 lit. ref., 3 tab. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Lambert, J.; Hahn, J.U.; Pfeiffer, W.; Siekmann, H. | | General requirements on measuring methods for the determination of harmful material concentrations in workplace atmospheres |
| Fachtagung "Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz", 21.-23.10.1987, Bonn - Vortrag. Proceeding
pp. 208-226, 5 lit. ref., 6 fig. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit,
Sankt Augustin 1987 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Kleine, H.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Application of the technical regulation for harmful materials 402 in the practice |
| Fachtagung "Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz", 21.-23.10.1987, Bonn - Vortrag. Proceeding
pp. 129-147, 4 lit. ref., 8 fig. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit,
Sankt Augustin 1987
Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 48 (1988) No. 2, pp. 57-61 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W.; Willert, G. |
| Thermisches Spritzen
Technische Maßnahmen zur Staubminderung |
| BIA-Report 6/86. 56 pages, 30 lit. refs., 7 tables, 21 figs. Published by: Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA des Hauptverbandes der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften,
Sankt Augustin 1986 (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Pfeiffer, W. | | Lüftung in Strahlräumen |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 46 (1986) Nr. 9, S. 390-393, 5 Lit., 6 Abb. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Kühnen, G.; Pfeiffer, W.; Rudolf, E. | | Development of the dust measuring technique in workplace atmospheres |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 46 (1986) No. 4, pp. 177-181, 43 lit. refs. (Language:D) |
| Abstract |
| Engels, L.-H.; Pfeiffer, W. | | Reinhaltung der Luft am Arbeitsplatz |
| Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 40 (1980) Nr. 9, S. 383-388, 27 Lit., 1 Tab., 1 Abb. (Language:D) |